Looking for a rejuvenation boost? Our lemon and ginger tea is just the thing. We start with lots of fresh, spicy ginger root and crisp lemon peel. Ginger/lemon is one of our favorite things, but we had to deluxe it up with a few apple pieces for a touch of sweetness, a pinch of licorice root for balance, and top it off with a few rose petals for a calming influence. The result is a the best lemon ginger tea – a powerful, yet calming, cuppa.
Like it spicy? Brew strong or steep it for longer. This also works fantastic as an herbal iced tea.
Ginger Root, Lemon Peel, Apple Pieces, Liquorice Root, Rose Petals.
Does this tea sound delicious, and you want to try samples? Looking for a custom blend or just can’t find quite the right thing? Drop us a message and we’ll help you out!
Teas sold in one ounce or one pound packaging.
1LB bag makes 160-240 cups of tea, depending on serving size.
I had a very bad head cold. I took 1 tablespoon twice a day while sick and it would cut back on feeling so bad plus I didn’t have that sluggish feeling you get with over the counter drugs.