Homemade Vanilla Extract
I love baking! I also love adding vanilla to all the recipes but honestly, it's an expensive additive. Once I learned that it's literally just vanilla beans, Vodka, and time to make it I decided we were no longer buying it! It probably took me 20 minutes to make the first time and that's with 6 kids and life going on around us!
Here's how you make it:
- Vanilla beans. I did 10 beans, sliced open or cut in half, per 8 oz jar. Most things say 1oz beans to 1oz alcohol.
- Vodka. 70-100 proof.
- Airtight bottle. Size of your choice.
Add the vanilla beans you have sliced or cut up into the jars and then fill with vodka. Be sure to cover all the beans. Give a good shake and store in a cool dry place for the next 6mths to a year. Give them a shake every 1-2 weeks and you'll have lots of good vanilla extract coming your way!
These would also be great gift ideas for family that love to bake at Christmas time!
@kristenfulton1 This is one of the easiest things to make! Plus hey this Is a great Christmas gift for the bakers in your family! #vanillaextract #momsoftiktok #momof6kids #homeschoolmom ♬ Happy Summer - Vin Music